Tree climbing surveys
Some bat species in the UK rely almost exclusively on trees for suitable roosting spaces. Many others will use tree roosts infrequently, or at specific times of the year. All bats and their roosts in the UK are strictly protected by law and this includes those found in trees.
Surveying trees for bat roosts from the ground can be extremely difficult and can often lead to inconclusive results, following a series of dusk activity surveys. As a result, the latest guidance from the Bat Conservation Trust (Collins 2023) recommends aerial ‘Potential Roost Feature’ (PRF) / climbing surveys as the best method for assessing bat roost suitability in trees. The technique allows for close up inspection of features which are impossible to assess properly from the ground.
Jenny has an NPTC Level 2 qualification and is fully licensed and insured to carry out aerial PRF assessment surveys. She has surveyed and climbed trees all across Scotland, gaining a wealth of experience in both climbing itself and the understanding of tree roosting bats. Surveys are typically carried out in conjunction with arborists and another suitably qualified climbers and licensed bat surveyor in the local area.