Bat survey, assessment & mitigation
All bat species found in Scotland are classed as European Protected Species (EPS) and are fully protected under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended). Where assessments for bats are required for planning or due dilligence, a variety of surveys and services can be provided. These include:
- Bat emergence / activity surveys using NVAs
- Licensed internal / external building inspections
- Winter Hibernation Inspections (WHIs)
- Ground Level Tree Assessment(GLTA) surveys
- Potential Roost Feature (PRF) surveys
- Roped aerial tree climbing surveys
- Rope access surveys - structures, rock slopes
- Remote activity monitoring using bat detectors
- Bat mitigation and compensation design
- Bat exclusions and preventative measures
- Bat call ID analysis
- ECoW for building demolitions and tree felling
- Rope access surveys - bridges and rock slopes
Surveys are assessed and designed on a site by site basis to meet individual requirements, with survey methods are recommended in line with current best practice guidance from the Bat Conservation Guidelines (4th Edition, 2023).
Bat survey experience includes involvement in a number of high profile development projects such as the Forth Replacement Bridge Crossing and the Borders Railway reinstatement, in addition to a range of residential, wind farm, road, bridge and hydro-electric schemes.
Surveys for other protected species in Scotland can also be provided, including for otter, water vole, badger, pine marten, beaver and red squirrel.
protected species surveys
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) Surveys and Phase 1 Habitat Surveys (including Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys) can be provided and are undertaken in conjunction with a network of experienced botanical surveyors.
Habitat surveys